Resources and Persistence

All CA related resources are derived from the AcmeResource class:

  • Account: Represents your account
  • Authorization: Authorization of a domain or identifier
  • Certificate: A certificate
  • Challenge (and subclasses): Challenge to proof domain ownership
  • Order: A certificate order
  • RenewalInfo: Renewal information

These classes reflect the state of the corresponding resource on the ACME server side. They also keep a copy of the current resource state that can be updated via update(). The only exception is the Certificate resource, which will never change its state and thus does not need to be updated.

Resource Location

All resources possess a unique resource URL on the CA server. To get that URL, invoke the getLocation() method. This is the best way to retrieve a permanent resource reference for local persistence (e.g. in a database).

Resource Binding

To revive an AcmeResource object from its location URL, you can bind it to your Login by using the resource location URL and the corresponding method:

  • Login.bindAuthorization() takes an authorization URL and returns the corresponding Authorization object.
  • Login.bindCertificate() takes a certificate URL and returns the corresponding Certificate object.
  • Login.bindOrder() takes an order URL and returns the corresponding Order object.
  • Login.bindRenewalInfo() takes a renewal info URL and returns the corresponding RenewalInfo object.

There are two methods for binding a Challenge:

  • Login.bindChallenge(URL location) binds to a challenge URL and returns a Challenge instance. You will need to check yourself if the Challenge is of the expected type, and eventually cast it to the correct type.
  • bindChallenge(URL location, Class type) is similar to the method above, but will do the casting for you. You will get the challenge object in your expected type. If the challenge at the location is of a different type, an AcmeProtocolException will be thrown.

There is no way to bind an Account. To retrieve your account resource, simply invoke Login.getAccount().


You can only bind resources that belong to your account.


All resource objects are serializable, so the current state of the object can also be frozen by Java's serialization mechanism.

However, the Login that the object is bound to is not serialized! This is because in addition to volatile data, the Login object also holds a copy of your private key. Not serializing it prevents you from accidentally exposing your private key in a place with lowered access restrictions.

After deserialization, an object is not bound to a Login yet. It is required to rebind it by invoking the rebind() method of the resource object.


Serialization is only meant for short term storage at runtime, not for long term persistence. For long term persistence, always store the location URL of the resource, then bind it at later time like mentioned above.


Do not share serialized data between different versions of acme4j.