
Web site: Google Trust Services

Available since acme4j 3.5.0

Connection URIs

  • acme:// - Production server
  • acme:// - Staging server


Google Trust Services requires account creation with External Account Binding. See this tutorial about how to create the EAB secrets. You will get a keyId and a b64MacKey that can be directly passed into AccountBuilder.withKeyIdentifier().


You cannot use the production EAB secrets for accessing the staging server, but you need separate secrets! Please read the respective chapter of the tutorial about how to create them.

Google Trust Services request HS256 as MAC algorithm. If you use the connection URIs above, this is set automatically. If you use a https connection URI, you will need to set the MAC algorithm manually by adding withMacAlgorithm("HS256") to the AccountBuilder.


acme4j is not officially supported or endorsed by Google. If you have acme4j related issues, please do not ask them for support, but open an issue here.