Testing acme4j

Integration Tests

acme4j provides a number of integration tests. These tests are not executed by maven by default, as they require Docker on the build machine.

To run them, install Docker and make it available to your user. Then invoke mvn -Pci verify to run the integration tests.

The integration tests use the latest docker image of the Pebble ACME test server in a container named pebble. A second docker container named bammbamm uses pebble-challtestsrv as a test server. Pebble connects to this test server for resolving domain names and for the verification of challenges.

If you change into the acme-it module's directory, you can also build, start and stop the test servers with mvn docker:build, mvn docker:start and mvn docker:stop, respectively. While the test servers are running, you can run the integration tests in your IDE. mvn docker:remove finally removes the test server images.

If you like to change the default configuration of the integration tests (e.g. because you are running pebble and pebble-challtestsrv instances on a dedicated test server), you can do so by changing these system properties:

  • pebbleHost: Host name of the pebble server. Default: localhost
  • pebblePort: Port the pebble server is listening on. Default: 14000
  • bammbammUrl: URI of the pebble-challtestsrv to connect to. Default: http://localhost:8055


pebble-challtestsrv is meant for testing purposes only. Only use it in secured testing environments. The server is neither hardened nor does it offer any kind of authentication.


It is also possible to run some tests against the Boulder ACME server, but the setup is a little tricky.

First, build and start the integration test Docker containers as explained above. When the servers are started, find out the IP address of the bammbamm server:

docker inspect bammbamm -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'

Now set up a Docker instance of Boulder. Follow the instructions in the Boulder README. When you are ready to start it, set the FAKE_DNS env variable to the IP address of bammbamm you have found before.

The Boulder integration tests can now be run with mvn -P boulder verify.

For a local Boulder installation, just make sure that FAKE_DNS is set to You'll also need to expose the ports 5001 and 5002 of bammbamm by changing the acme4j-it/pom.xml accordingly.