Kaminari is an open source Franklin lightning detector project, based on the AS3935 detector chip.
Geordi is able to read lightning events, but also the current noise floor level and detected disturbers. For lightning events, the estimated distance and energy can be stored.
First insert a new row to the device table, with the type kaminari. In the JSON configuration, set "host" to the local IP address of your lightning sensor, and "apikey" to the API key that is to be used.
INSERT INTO device (name, type, cron, config) VALUES ( 'Lightning', 'kaminari', '0 */5 * * * ?', '{"host":"","apikey":"yOuRsEcReTaPiKeY"}' );
It adds a kaminari device called "Lightning". It is polled every 5 minutes. The detector can be reached in your local network at, and requires the API key yOuRsEcReTaPiKeY for clearing the events.
There should be only one Geordi instance reading the Kaminari sensor. If you have to use multiple instances (which is not recommended), make sure that only the last instance polling the status has the apikey set.
Now you can insert sensors into the sensor table.
Example, assuming that the device ID of the insert above was 1:
INSERT INTO sensor (device_id, name, unit, config) VALUES (1, 'Lightning Energy' , '' , '{"lightning_key":"energy"}'), (1, 'Lightning Distance', 'km' , '{"lightning_key":"distance"}'), (1, 'Noise Floor Level' , 'µVrms', '{"key":"noiseFloorLevel"}'), (1, 'Generic Energy' , '' , '{"key":"energy"}'), (1, 'Generic Distance' , 'km' , '{"key":"distance"}') ;
In the config column, there are two kind of keys. lightning_key refers to the value of an actually detected lightning. Its timestamp is the time of the actual lighting event. key refers to a generic value, with the timestamp of the time Geordi picked up the value.