
Once Geordi is installed and running, it is only configured via the database.

At first, insert a row into the device table for each device to be polled. The columns are set like this:

  • name: A human-readable name of the device to be polled.
  • type: The device type (see here).
  • cron: A cron expression defining when the device is to be polled.
  • config: A JSON structure containing further configuration parameters for the device (like its hostname).

After that, insert rows into the sensor table for each sensor of that device. The colums are set like this:

  • device_id: Database ID of the device that has been inserted in the previous step.
  • name: A human-readable name of the sensor that is read.
  • unit: The physical unit of the sensor value.
  • config: A JSON structure containing further configuration parameters for the sensor (like a sensor identifier).

You will find details about the device type, device config and sensor config in the respective chapters. There are also some global sensor config parameters.

If your database changes are completed, you need to restart Geordi. If it runs on systemd:

systemctl restart geordi

Check the log output to verify that your configuration was correct.

Remove a sensor or device

To remove a sensor, you first have to delete all the samples that are referencing the sensor:

DELETE FROM sample WHERE sensor_id = 123;

After that, you can remove the sensor itself:

DELETE FROM sensor WHERE id = 123;

To remove a device, first remove all samples and sensors connected to it, then remove the device itself.

Geordi needs to be restarted after that.