Order a Certificate

Once you have your account set up, you are ready to order certificates.

Use your Account object to order the certificate, by using the newOrder() method. It returns an OrderBuilder object that helps you to collect the parameters of the order. You can give one or more domain names. Optionally you can also give your desired notBefore and notAfter dates for the generated certificate, but it is at the discretion of the CA to use (or ignore) these values.

Account account = ... // your Account object

Order order = account.newOrder()
        .domains("example.org", "www.example.org", "m.example.org")


The number of domains per certificate may be limited. See your CA's documentation for the limits.

The Order resource contains a collection of Authorizations that can be read from the getAuthorizations() method. In order to get the certificate, you must process all of them that are in a PENDING state.

for (Authorization auth : order.getAuthorizations()) {
  if (auth.getStatus() == Status.PENDING) {

Process an Authorization

The Authorization instance contains further details about how you can prove ownership of your domain. An ACME server offers one or more authorization methods, called Challenges.

getChallenges() returns a collection of all Challenges offered by the CA for domain ownership validation. You only need to complete one of them to successfully authorize your domain.

The simplest way is to invoke findChallenge(), stating the challenge type your system is able to provide (either as challenge name or challenge class type):

Http01Challenge challenge = auth.findChallenge(Http01Challenge.TYPE); // by name
Http01Challenge challenge = auth.findChallenge(Http01Challenge.class); // by type

It returns a properly casted Challenge object, or null if your challenge type was not acceptable. In this example, your system is able to respond to a http-01 challenge.


Passing the challenge class is preferred over the challenge name, as type checks are performed at compile time here. Passing in the challenge name might result in a ClassCastException at runtime.

The returned Challenge resource provides all the data that is necessary for a successful verification of your domain ownership. Your response depends on the challenge type (see the documentation of challenges).

After you have performed the necessary steps to set up the response to the challenge (e.g. configuring your web server or modifying your DNS records), the ACME server is told to test your response:


Now you have to wait for the server to test your response and set the authorization status to VALID or INVALID. The easiest (but admittedly also the ugliest) way is to poll the status:

while (auth.getStatus() != Status.VALID) {

This is a very simple example. You should limit the number of loop iterations, and also handle the case that the status could turn to INVALID. If you know when the CA server actually requested your response (e.g. when you notice a HTTP request on the response file), you should start polling after that event.

The CA server may start the validation immediately after trigger() is invoked, so make sure your server is ready to respond to requests before invoking trigger(). Otherwise the challenge might fail immediately.

Also keep your response available until the status has changed to VALID or INVALID. The ACME server may check your response multiple times, and from different IPs.

update() may throw an AcmeRetryAfterException, giving an estimated instant in getRetryAfter() when the authorization is completed. You should then wait until that moment has been reached, before trying again. The state of the Authorization instance is still updated when this exception is thrown.

When the authorization status is VALID, you have successfully authorized your domain.

The response you have set up before is not needed any more. You can (and should) remove it now.

Finalize the Order

After successfully completing all authorizations, the order needs to be finalized by providing PKCS#10 CSR file. A single domain may be set as Common Name. Multiple domains must be provided as Subject Alternative Name. You must provide exactly the domains that you had passed to the order() method above, otherwise the finalization will fail. It depends on the CA if other CSR properties (Organization, Organization Unit etc.) are accepted. Some may require these properties to be set, while others may ignore them when generating the certificate.

CSR files can be generated with command line tools like openssl. Unfortunately the standard Java does not offer classes for that, so you'd have to resort to Bouncy Castle if you want to create a CSR programmatically. In the acme4j-utils module, there is a CSRBuilder for your convenience. You can also use KeyPairUtils for generating a new key pair for your domain.


Never use your account key pair as domain key pair, but always generate separate key pairs!

KeyPair domainKeyPair = ... // KeyPair to be used for HTTPS encryption

CSRBuilder csrb = new CSRBuilder();
csrb.setOrganization("The Example Organization")
byte[] csr = csrb.getEncoded();

It is a good idea to store the generated CSR somewhere, as you will need it again for renewal:

csrb.write(new FileWriter("example.csr"));

After that, finalize the order:


Wildcard Certificates

You can also generate a wildcard certificate that is valid for all subdomains of a domain, by prefixing the domain name with *. (e.g. *.example.org). The domain itself is not covered by the wildcard certificate, and also needs to be added to the order if necessary.


acme4j accepts all kind of wildcard notations (e.g. www.*.example.org, *.*.example.org). However, those notations are not specified and may be rejected by your CA.

You must be able to prove ownership of the domain that you want to order a wildcard certificate for. The corresponding Authorization resource only refers to that domain, and does not contain the wildcard notation.

The following example creates an Order and a CSR for example.org and *.example.org:

Order order = account.newOrder()
        .domains("example.org", "*.example.org")

KeyPair domainKeyPair = ... // KeyPair to be used for HTTPS encryption

CSRBuilder csrb = new CSRBuilder();
csrb.addDomain("example.org");    // example.org itself, if necessary
csrb.addDomain("*.example.org");  // wildcard for all subdomains
byte[] csr = csrb.getEncoded();


In the subsequent authorization process, you would have to prove ownership of the example.org domain.


Some CAs may reject wildcard certificate orders, may only offer a limited set of Challenges, or may involve Challenges that are not documented here. Refer to your CA's documentation to find out about the wildcard certificate policy.

Pre-Authorize a Domain

It is possible to pro-actively authorize a domain. This can be useful to find out what challenges are requested by the CA to authorize a domain, before actually ordering a certificate. It may also help to speed up the ordering process, as already completed authorizations do not need to be completed again when ordering the certificate.

Account account = ... // your Account object
String domain = ...   // Domain name to authorize

Authorization auth = account.preAuthorizeDomain(domain);


Some CAs may not offer domain pre-authorization. preAuthorizeDomain() will then fail and throw an AcmeException.


Some CAs may not offer wildcard domain pre-authorization, but only wildcard domain orders.

Deactivate an Authorization

It is possible to deactivate an Authorization, for example if you sell the associated domain.



It is not documented if the deactivation of an authorization also revokes the related certificate. If the certificate should be revoked, revoke it manually before deactivation.

Use IP Identifiers

acme4j supports IP identifier validation, as specified in RFC 8738. It permits validation of IP addresses instead of domain names. If your CA offers ACME IP support, you can add IP Identifier objects to the order:

Order order = account.newOrder()
        .identifier(Identifier.ip(""))   // for your convenience

The example also shows how to add domain names as DNS Identifier objects. Adding domain names via domain() is just a shortcut notation for it.

The CSRBuilder also accepts IP addresses and Identifier for generating the CSR:

CSRBuilder csrb = new CSRBuilder();
byte[] csr = csrb.getEncoded();

Short-Term Automatic Renewal

acme4j supports RFC 8739 for short-term automatic renewal of certificates.


The ACME STAR support is experimental. There is currently no known ACME server implementing this extension.

To find out if the CA supports the STAR extension, check the metadata:

if (session.getMetadata().isAutoRenewalEnabled()) {
  // CA supports STAR!

If STAR is supported, you can enable automatic renewals by adding autoRenewal() to the order parameters:

Order order = account.newOrder()

You can use autoRenewalStart(), autoRenewalEnd(), autoRenewalLifetime() and autoRenewalLifetimeAdjust() to change the time span and frequency of automatic renewals. You cannot use notBefore() and notAfter() in combination with autoRenewal() though.

The Metadata object also holds the accepted renewal limits (see Metadata.getAutoRenewalMinLifetime() and Metadata.getAutoRenewalMaxDuration()).

After the validation process is completed and the order is finalized, the STAR certificate is available via Order.getAutoRenewalCertificate() (not Order.getCertificate())!

Use Certificate.getLocation() to retrieve the URL of your certificate. It is renewed automatically, so you will always be able to download the latest issue of the certificate from this URL.


STAR based certificates cannot be revoked. However, as it is the nature of these certs to be short-lived, this does not pose an actual security issue.

To download the latest certificate issue, you can bind the certificate URL to your Login and then use the Certificate object.

URL certificateUrl = ... // URL of the certificate

Certificate cert = login.bindCertificate(certificateUrl);
X509Certificate latestCertificate = cert.getCertificate();

If supported by the CA, it is possible to negotiate that the certificate can also be downloaded via GET request. First use Metadata.isAutoRenewalGetAllowed() to check if this option is supported by the CA. If it is, add autoRenewalEnableGet() to the order parameters to enable it. After the order was finalized, you can use any HTTP client to download the latest certificate from the certificate URL by a GET request.

Use Order.cancelAutoRenewal() to terminate automatical certificate renewals.