All Classes and Interfaces

A base implementation of LocationParameter, TimeParameter, and WindowParameter.
An interface for the method that eventually executes the calculation.
Contains constants and mathematical operations that are not available in Math.
Generic parameters and options.
This class contains a Julian Date representation of a date.
Location based parameters.
A three dimensional matrix.
Calculations and constants for the Moon.
Calculates the illumination of the moon.
Collects all parameters for MoonIllumination.
Calculates the date and time when the moon reaches the desired phase.
Collects all parameters for MoonPhase.
Enumeration of moon phases.
Calculates the position of the moon.
Collects all parameters for MoonPosition.
Calculates the times of the moon.
Collects all parameters for MoonTimes.
Finds the root of a function by using the Pegasus method.
Calculates the roots and extremum of a quadratic equation.
Calculations and constants for the Sun.
Calculates the position of the sun.
Collects all parameters for SunPosition.
Calculates the rise and set times of the sun.
Collects all parameters for SunTimes.
Enumeration of predefined twilights.
Time based parameters.
A three dimensional vector.
Time window based parameters.