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 O U T P U T   E X A M P L E 

   This is how a PatchWork hit looks like:

exec.library OldOpenLibrary("dos.library")
Severity 1: obsoleted, use OpenLibrary() instead
PC=08339720 TCB=08399D58 ("Shell Process")
Data: 00000001 020CE5C5 00004000 08350BA4 00000001 00000001 020CFF85 08339714
Addr: 08350BA4 08339732 08014E0C 08339714 084F3C08 00F92D70 0800083C 084F3BFC
----> 08339732 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 0000001A
----> 00F92D70 - "ROM - dos 39.23 (8.9.92)"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000314
PC-8: 00000000 00000000 0833653C 00000000 00000030 00000000 43FA0018 2C780004
PC *: 4EAEFE68 22402C78 00044EAE FE627000 4E75646F 732E6C69 62726172 79004E71
Stck: 084F3BFC 08339724 00F9359C 00004000 0839A74C 08533B40 00001970 48E7303E
Stck: 24482649 61A66730 2C6A0018 206A0014 4EAEFF94 2848204B 610000B8 661C2449
----> 08339720 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000008
----> 08339724 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 0000000C
----> 00F9359C - "ROM - dos 39.23 (8.9.92)"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000B40

   Now for the single lines:

   The first line contains what function caused the hit:

exec.library OldOpenLibrary("dos.library")
                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^--- passed parameters
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------- function name
^^^^^^^^^^^^-------------------------------- library name

   The second one describes the hit itself:

Severity 1: obsoleted, use OpenLibrary() instead
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--- cause
^^^^^^^^^^---------------------------------------- severity level

   (With the TINY option set, no more lines are displayed.)

   The third line locates the hit:

PC=08339720 TCB=08399D58 ("Shell Process")
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--- task name
                ^^^^^^^^-------------------- address of the task structure
   ^^^^^^^^--------------------------------- address of the JSR instruction
                                             that caused the hit.

   (With the SMALL option set, no more lines are displayed.)

   After that, the data and address register contents follow:

Data: 00000001 020CE5C5 00004000 08350BA4 00000001 00000001 020CFF85 08339714
Addr: 08350BA4 08339732 08014E0C 08339714 084F3C08 00F92D70 0800083C 084F3BFC

   If you enabled DREGCHECK or AREGCHECK, the contents of any register
   will be passed to SegTracker (of course SegTracker must be running):

----> 08339732 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 0000001A
----> 00F92D70 - "ROM - dos 39.23 (8.9.92)"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000314

   With SHOWPC enabled, 64 bytes around the PC at hit time will be shown:

PC-8: 00000000 00000000 0833653C 00000000 00000030 00000000 43FA0018 2C780004
PC *: 4EAEFE68 22402C78 00044EAE FE627000 4E75646F 732E6C69 62726172 79004E71

   After that, all stack lines will be shown. You can change the number
   of stack lines using the STACKLINES parameter. Defaults to 2 lines.

Stck: 084F3BFC 08339724 00F9359C 00004000 0839A74C 08533B40 00001970 48E7303E
Stck: 24482649 61A66730 2C6A0018 206A0014 4EAEFF94 2848204B 610000B8 661C2449

   If SegTracker is running, it will be fed with the PC:

----> 08339720 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000008

   And last but not least, if STACKCHECK is enabled, all longwords shown
   in the stack lines above are passed to SegTracker:

----> 08339724 - "pwtest"  Hunk 0000, Offset 0000000C
----> 00F9359C - "ROM - dos 39.23 (8.9.92)"  Hunk 0000, Offset 00000B40